Thursday, September 14, 2006

I just heard a clip from Rosie O'Donnell claiming that radical christianity is as dangerous as radical Islam. I found this very interesting coming from her point of view. I understand that her sexual orientation makes her a target of christianity and that she probably feels threatened. However there is no comparison between radical christianity and radical Islam. If she was living in Iran, Iraq, Syria or any other country with Islamic law she would be stoned, killed. She wouldn't have to worry about what Pat Robertson says, or people making fun of her, because she would be dead. I think the only way that she would truly understand this is if she was on a plane, about to be hijacked, or possibly about to get her head cut off. I wonder, if she was to be put in that situation, just what would lil ole Rosie say..."Dear God, help me..."???

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Conspiracy Theories. Mostly about 9/11

Since 9/11 a lot of people have questioned whether what really happened is what was reported in the 9/11 commission report. I stayed up till 4am listening to people talk about their conspiracy theories. Anything from it being the world's largest insurance scam, to it being set up by the jews, to a new world government. There are somethings that don't fit however. Like the hole in the pentagon, was that really a 757?

We may never know, or maybe just not in our lifetime. Look how long it took for JFK to get truly investigated.