Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom was unknown to me till I was in my hotel room in Las Vegas flipping through channels. I don't normally watch much tv let alone "Geraldo at Large" but the story caught my attention. It was about how two young people were carjacked then killed. After researching it on the net and looking throughout all of the blogs and news sites, the information about the actual events are what disturbed me in more ways than one.

The details of the events that occurred to them after they were carjacked are horrifying. Some sources say Channon Christian was raped repeatedly for days and that they tortured her and killed her boyfriend Christopher Newsom in front of her. Then there are what seems to be more exaggerated claims about them cutting off the private parts of the two teens and actually raping Christopher.

What's quite interesting is how this has become a major topic over the role of race in these murders since it hasn't gained any national exposure in contrast to the Duke Lacrosse team case of a stripper screaming rape in which the charges were later dropped.

Further complicating things are a number of white pride/aryan nation/neo nazi groups trying to use the Christian/Newsom murder as an example of a media bias when it comes to mainstream media attention to hate crimes. One search on for Channon Christian brings up many videos cleverly disguised as tribute videos to the teen but contains the not so hidden message that these murders are a result of diversity and multiculturalism.

When you hear about these types of crimes in detail you can only sympathize with their families knowing that they have to deal with the reality of such a horrible death happening to their loved ones. In the words of Channon Christian's father "It's not about race, it's about animals."

I think that just about sums it all up.

If you want to see a legit tribute video without the racist undertones check this one out...